I go to Amazon to buy a birthday gift for my niece (an adorable frog humidifier, if you're curious) and what do I find? Why, it seems
Transformers: The Complete Ark (order it today!) is up to ten reviews on Amazon.com! I do so like round numbers, so I figured I'd toot my own horn a bit. It's not quite as impressive as the whopping twenty-six five-star reviews that
Allspark Almanac
(order it today!) has garnered, but I'm pleased none-the-less.
(For those keeping track, The Complete Ark has seven five-star reviews, and one each for four, three and two. Two stars?! Ouch, Brian, you wound me! Coloring book indeed.)
The Complete Ark was a ton of fun to put together, so I'm very gratified that so many people cared enough to review it in a public forum. I'd be very pleased to revisit this format at some time in the future; perhaps the Beast Era ...
Seems to me that fella Brian really didn't understand the context of the book! He brings shame to all those named Brian...
Is it possible to release the Complete Ark using colours like those found in the AllSpark Almanac. I would love to see the G1 Sunbow models in cell colouring.
Is Allspark Almanac Part 2 coming up? That thing must be released to cover Season 3.
Anon: The source materials used by the art books were black and white to begin with, and a number of models were recolored for different characters, and many characters were colored differently in the comics. And the decoes even changed in the cartoon, as the color guides differed between studios.
Is it possible to release Complete Ark with the models of Obscure Characters from Marvel Comics like: Emirate Xaaron, Impactor, Straxus, Blugeon, Thunderwing and all other cool guys? It's like a dream, I know...
Well, they didn't have character models, per se, so that might be tricky. However, if you'd like to see some sort of profile or guide book to those sorts of characters, let IDW know by posting to their forums or writing to them.
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