8 more days! Exciting stuff! I figured I'd upload a few more of the sketches behind some of the new artwork specifically created for this book.

I'm also including an actual page from the book, so you can see what some of the finished products will look like. For those of you who attended the IDW Panel at BotCon, this is old news, but I can't give away TOO much.
I'll also take the opportunity to announce a book signing / launch party on Saturday, August 22nd at 2:00 pm at the
Emerald Knight comic book shop in Burbank, California. [They're located at 4116 W. Burbank Blvd. Burbank, CA 91505. (818) 588-3631.] It'll be me, Bill and Derrick Wyatt, so I hope to see lots of LA based Transfans there.
Next week I'll do the third and final teaser segment. If there's anything in particular you'd like to see teased, let me know.
Allspark Almanac
goes on sale on Wednesday, 8/19 at fine bookstores everywhere, though your LCS may be your best bet to get it on that day. It's also available for preorder on Amazon.com.
Hope to catch you and the others there, Jim! :D
If you're going to tease a page next week, it would be nice to see a page on Lugnut.
And you said it would be sold at fine book stores, so does that mean it could be sold at Chapters all the way up here in Canada?
Looking forward to seeing you again, lonegamer7.
Hey, Shawn. Hmmm ... not sure what I've got (that I can share) for Lugnut, but I'll take a look.
I don't know if Chapters will be stocking the book by default, but if you give them a call and ask for it they can definitely get one for you.
Looking great Jim, I should get around to sending you some of those design pieces from G1 Japan that you didn't have......... so busy.
- Protoman
Hey, Protoman, drop me an email. I'm curious about Japanese designs now ...
Awesome stuff, but any idea what those parts above the Negatronic Force Field Generators are? I know they're on the toy, but no idea what they actually do.
--LBD "Nytetrayn"
The two gun-looking things? In my mind they're just regular old lasers. If I had a sequence of them transforming out, I'd probably have labeled them turbolasers or something.
This should be great, I will be attending for sure!
Awesome! The book is looking great. Can't wait to get it. I'll try to be there at the signing. Look forward to meeting you guys. Hope supplies last :-)
Cool pictures! Next week, do you think you cold put up a sequence of one of the characters transforming?
Brian, Sam, I look forward to meeting you in person.
RazorFire, that's a vote for a transformation and a vote for Lugnut. Ideally I'd have Lugnut's transform, but alas it's not something that I have. I'm sure I can make you both happy though.
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