"Phaeton has chosen to rule through terror, but when everyone fears you, you must fear everyone."
Miracle is the twenty-ninth episode of Exo-Squad, continuing The Liberation of Venus arc. Mop-up operations on the ground are interrupted by the arrival of Phaeton's Neo Sapien fleet, flagged by the Olympus Mons II. Winfield has a plan to beat it, utilizing the Pirate fleet's cloaking ability to good effect, but when Barca sabotages the vessel things look desperate. Marsh takes a captured Neo Sapien shuttle and tricks his way on board Phaeton's vessel (by playing on Phaeton's mistrust of Draconis) and causes enough damage to allow the Resolute II to be repaired, and Winfield wins the engagement handily. Draconis betrays Phaeton, leaving him to die, only to discover that he's killed a clone. The original, looking significantly worse for wear, vows to have Draconis replaced.
The Good: A *LOT* happens this episode. Right from the beginning, we're shown scenes of the Neo Sapiens who have lost. I love how beat up they are, and how their attitudes seem to vary from despair to resignation to outright anger. It's nice that some of them are women, too.
Marsh and DeLeon interrogate the captives, asking for supply depots and fallback positions. Their premise is that victory is inevitable and that this info will save lives. That may be true, but the Neos stand fast (with a little bit of pressure from the more unyielding ones on the ones who look tempted to break,) which is a nice change of pace from heroic protagonists and weak-willed antagonists.
Nara's moment to shine is weeping over James getting shuttled off. It sounds and looks bad, with talk of him losing his arm and maybe his sight. That's pretty heavy stuff for a kids cartoon. And James has yet more trials left ahead of him.

Barca makes a brief but important appearance. He has apparently once again established contact with Phaeton, which feels reasonable after several months. The bomb he plants in the Resolute II's engines provide the main impetus for the story. It'll definitely be satisfying to see him finally get his.

There is a beautiful panning shot of the Neo fleet that just seems to go on and on and on. Seriously, look at it. That's maybe 8, 9 screen shots composited together. It's not static either, some ships zoom past the camera, and engines flare up and die down.
That fleet is about to get hit by a Pirate / e-frame ambush. I've loved the cloaked docking bay launch sequences before, but this episode does it better than any before or since. (But see below.) Takagi joins them and we get a brief but exiting bit of e-frame vs capital ship battle. The Neo's don't seem to be launching e-frames, probably for economy of story telling, though that's a slight flaw. Still, definitely a good battle.
It's not enough, though, so it's a good thing Marsh is ready with a plan. With a captured shuttle Bronsky has found (his e-frame wrecked by Thrax) and Marsala in a Neo uniform, they manage to bluff their way onto the flagship. I love how they do it, by claiming to have info proving Draconis a traitor. It's the perfect ruse, and results in Draconis getting sidelined for most of Able Squad's incursion. (But see below.)

Finally, since I'm a huge fan, I'll point out that Algernon once again shines. This time he's fixing Barca's sabotage. "Spaceship repair is hardly my forte... though I suppose I am better at it than anyone else." I love the Pirate engineers assisting him.
The Bad: Some details just feel off this episode. Leaving DeLeon behind to guard the shuttle feels like an odd choice, given his computer expertise. Torres or Marsala would seem the better call.

Phaeton ordering Able Squad's shuttle destroyed, on the grounds that they should have fought till the end, feels cartoon villainous to me. I can see Draconis doing it, he's a butcher, but Phaeton has always striven for logical decisions. A shuttle from Venus full of e-frames or soldiers or officers or scientists could easily be more valuable with the fleet than needlessly sacrificing themselves in a lost battle.
After the impressive showing last week, the Olympus Mons II seems to be large, but still in-scale, with the other Neo ships. It's also about the same size, if not smaller, than the Resolute II.
There's an odd beat where Phaeton demands to know when they'll be in range, followed by a cut to the exterior of the ship and Draconis declaring them to be in range. Tiny detail, I know, but it feels odd. Given how tight the episode was, this feels like a pair of scenes that could have been condensed.

Also, and this is a bigger deal because it's not a visual flub but a story one, Winfield is too fatalistic about the Resolute II going down. Sure, it'd be a blow, but there's no reason he'd have to go down with his ship. One imagines there are shuttles, and we know they have life pods.

It's a bit of a stretch to think that Phaeton would trust his own clone. What's stopping the clone from deciding that perhaps a healthy Phaeton would make a better leader?

It's hardly worth saying, but Phaeton's new look heralds bad things for him.

Overall: Very strong episode, marred slightly by a few odd choices and visual gaffes. Venus is now solidly liberated, though the show will devote a couple of episodes to the aftermath, which is also a nice touch.