Writing duties for the second part of “Crisis of Command!” passed from Mike Collins to James Hill, who previously scripted “Christmas Breaker!” - a not especially classic story. Geoff senior continued with the art, Gina Hart took back colouring duties from Steve Whitaker, the lettering was still by Mike Scott and Ian Rimmer continued to edit.
The cover is by John Ridgway and it shows a battered looking Bumblebee crouched in the desert, as several Decepticons point their guns at him from off-panel. “Ooops!” he says, and the viewer is forced to agree. It’s a good cover that effectively conveys the fact that Bumblebee will be in jeopardy this issue. Bumblebee is pleasingly on-model, at least facially. His feet are ridiculously small considering his alternate mode and he couldn’t possibly transform, but mechanical fidelity was never a big priority for the Marvel comic and the cover is a good dramatic piece. Bumblebee’s facial expression is particularly effective, demonstrating the wisdom of dispensing with the clunky toy model.
The issue opens with a splash page of Bumblebee, in vehicle mode, blasting through t

Upon sighting his quarry, Bumblebee’s mind flashes back to the bit of the story we’ve missed so far. He noticed Ravage’s cell empty by chance and ran to tell Optimus Prime about it. He found Prime discussing tactical options with Prowl, who was advocating an all-out strike against the Decepticons. Prime was reluctant, but when Bumblebee interrupted with the news of the escape he uttered a despairing “Oh no” and asked Prowl what he should do. Prowl advocated sending Hound and Mirage; after all, they caught Ravage once. Bumblebee, however, was dismayed to see Prime so indecisive and elected to pursue Ravage by himself in order to try to prove the value of the “more conciliatory Autobots” rather than the more warlike Prowl and his suggestions to use the Creation Matrix for warfare.
Back in the present, and back in the Ark, Prime himself is wondering whether he is letting Prowl influence him

Obviously, Bumblebee, courageous little Autobot that he is, can’t let this happen! He transforms suddenly, somehow knocking the surrounding Decepticons out of the way and starts tearing away into the desert. He gets almost nowhere, however, before the hitherto unseen Starscream lands in front of him and menaces him into stopping.
The other Autobots are worried. Search parties have reported back and say that Bumblebee is nowhere to be found. Just then, Windcharger announces that the Ark’s sensors have picked up an Autobot distress signal, heading for the Ark at speed! The Autobots rush outside to find Laserbeak flying overhead. The birdlike Decepticon drops an elongated object and flies off. Prowl fears it is a bomb, but it soon becomes clear that for Bumblebee, the truth is even worse - it is, in a great dramatic moment, revealed to be his arm, torn off at the shoulder.
This is a fast and exciting issue and, amazingly, does not suffer at all from the change in writer. It is perhaps slightly uncharitable for me to suggest that might be because neither Collins nor Hill have a particularly unique or inspired writing style. They are efficient rather than spectacular, but the plot moves at a brisk pace and all the important beats are given their appropriate focus. The story has,

Senior’s art continues to be good - he even manages to make a Volkswagen driving through the desert into an exciting enough subject for a full-page splash. The action is much clearer this time and you really feel for poor old Bumblebee as the Decepticons knock him abou

There’s not much more to say about this issue, because, by its nature, its Part 2 of a three part story - all set up for the conclusion, but, with only twelve more pages to show Bumblebee’s rescue from the Decepticons, its set to be an exciting finish.
You picked some good panels there! Senior's art is pretty fantastic.
Yeah in hindsight I could probably have praised Senior more than I did - especially as he's one of my very favourite TF artists.
He's a lot more on model then the majority of the art in the US comics. Great stuff.
Best artist in the TF universe! He draws Soundwave like no other. Was a great inspiration for my own art growing up.
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