AH! Curse missed opportunities. A couple of weeks back, guest-blogger supreme Brian did an excellent review of Terror! The Six Shadows, a episode of Takara's Headmasters series. It turns out, I have a page of models from that episode. Now, it's not a great page of models, but still, worth sharing I think.
The man and woman on horseback (horses not included) were pretty random models for me to find. The ninja that Daniel describes to Chromedome, though, is pretty cool. He only gets a few seconds of airtime, but here it is.
(Have no fear, Iván's Gallery will be back tomorrow with more of the Dinoforce! I promise to be more vigilant in the future to look for opportunities for synergistic model posting. For instance, I've got some models for Cybertron Is in Grave Danger that I'll be posting next week.)
Cool deal! I am also eager to see model sheets for "Grave Danger"...
Honestly, even the smallest bit of detail stuff, like this, is important to me. Not like the world will end important, but I really appreciate seeing everything.
Ninja's are eternally cool. You can't go wrong with ninja's. Awesome, thank you for posting.
Well, hey! I'm glad you liked it. I mean, *I* like them, but then I'm kind of a nut. I was just bemoaning how tiny an Animated fire hydrant was. I mean, it's a fire hydrant, it's not really interesting in an objective sense. But it's such a NICE fire hydrant that it's a shame that I have to use it so small.
Long story short, I appreciate the feedback. Glad to hear others appreciate the minutia as much as I do.
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