Another installment of The Ark Addendum. In the spirit of IDW's All Hail Megatron, I thought this piece rather appropriate. Megatron's Master Plan is one of my favorite episodes. In it, the Decepticons manage to trick humanity into believeing that it is in fact the Decepticons who are heroic and the Autobots who are evil. (An inspiration for Shattered Glass?) Not quite propaganda, these designs showcases humanities attempt to celebrate the Decepticons. Enjoy!
Great post! Keep these model sheets coming, Jim. Can't get enough of'em.
How could the humans resist the obviously warm and appealing product endorsements of the transforming military fighter jets that already wreaked havoc on Earth for a solid year and a half?
Kind of want to see the Decepticon Blimp transform.
They could call him Inflator.
Or Digiriboss.
I might draw that one of these days...
Love the Grand opening poster I think every store needs one of thim
So, first off, as usual, I love seeing these model sheets. While this is infinitely less impressive than a Transforming Fort Max, it does carry with it a certain Niche Quality...and, yes, that Blimp needs to Transform.
Secondly, I think it kinda spoils the purpose of you posting art on your blog when it gets popped up in its entirety on Seibertron.com. I think it'd bring more traffic to your blog if you only let them put up a teaser, not the whole blooming image.
I agree. Why visit the cow-bot if you can get the energon rich milk for free.
Or something like that.
Hmmm - good point about Seibertron, though it's hard to argue with the free publicity. In terms of Transforming zeppelins, I've always been partial to Guido Guidi's Hearts of Steel Scourge.
That Scourge is great.
I wonder if they ever considered doing a transformers continuity in the 40's, 50's or mid-60's. Big boat sized American cars as robots would look pretty cool.....
Monkeytoad, I think they did a Time-Travelling GIJoe/TF Crossover where some of those time periods were touched upon.
Oh, so close, Monkeytoad. GI Joe vs Transformers #2 featured cars from the 70s (Jazz, Bumblebee & Hotrod, with Blitzwing as a commercial jet) and the 30s (Optimus Prime and the Stunticons), just missing your target decades. Still, very cool designs by E.J. (the man) Su.
See, Jim, you need to put a book together of comic designs not based on G1 cartoon images!
Prime and stunticons 30s style? Somebody gotta post some links to the images. Sounds too cool...
But seriously, no transforming 57 chevy? Ever?
That's brilliant, Megatron's Master Plan is one of my favourite episodes thanks to it being released on VHS in the UK back in the day.
I'd love to see more of this sort of thing.
Shame there wasn't room in the books for it.
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