What's especially fun is that, when things go south, the gang comes up with a Plan B that involves gathering up villains from previous episodes to help rob the bank. They gather up the Vorcarion blood trackers from 'Till the Blood Runs Clear, the Sheyang fish men to burn through the walls with their firebreath from PK Tech Girl, gauntlet wielding
But that's not the point of this blog, really. Let's look at genre references! Crichton calls Scorpius 'Leatherface' and then even points out where it's from: Texas Chainsaw Massacre. There are also a couple of Young Frankenstein references thrown in, with Crichton calling Natira 'Frau Blücher' and Scorpius 'Fronkensteen.' There's also a 2001: A Space Odyssey nod, when John sings Daisy while slowly going out of his mind right at the end. Non-genre references include John bluffing his way into the Shadow Depository by claiming that KFC is, "to my knowledge, unique in the universe, and unique is always valuable. Now, we have managed to procure all eleven secret ingredients." (Note how he echoes Scorpius here.) John also name drops Baywatch, and quotes the National Enquirer's tagline 'enquiring minds want to know.'
S02E22, Die Me Dichotomy, finishes off the season. The Neuro-chip takes over completely, leading to tragic consequences. The episode ends, in true Farscape fashion, with Aeryn dead and John lying helpless on the operating table, the speech center of his brain destroyed, his surgeon seemingly dead, and Scorpius in possession of the chip. Minimal references, though. All I can find is the clone exclaiming "ooo, fireworks!" in a Robin Williams Mork from Orc voice. (Mork & Mindy, naturally.)
And, hey, since I'm in the mood, S03E01, Season of Death starts things off. Despite the ominous title, we get the rebirth of Aeryn and the restoration of John, though Scorpius does get away with the chip. My favorite bit from the episode was Scorpius' torturing of Grunchlk, who was pretty smarmy last episode. Aeryn's resurrection seems a bit cheap, though drains Zhaan to the point that she will most likely die.
No genre references to speak of, though Harvy (now just a shadow of his former self with no chip to rely on) quotes the bible and John counters with Shakespeare.
Harvey: "Death is the only sensible course, John. For everything there is a season, a time to be born, and..."
John: "A time to die, yes, yes, yes. The Devil quotes scripture."
Farscape: The Complete Series
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