The cover is a good one, well thought out and nicely composed. Blaster's head, tilted backwards, fills the lower portion of the image, and he's surrounded by hordes of tiny mechanical men. "Scrapped -- by the Scraplets!" we're told, and things certainly don't look good for him. Almost as an afterthought, the bottom right corner of the image lets us know that this issue introduces the Triple Changers. It's clear what aspect of the story Bob thought was truly interesting.
Moving into the meat of the issue, we start out with a fiery meteor crashing down to Earth in the Arizona desert. Budiansky writes "Somewhere in the American southwest, something falls. Something big. Something unexpected. Something deadly ... " He builds suspense nicely, no? Chiang did a great job here on the logo for the issue, exclamation mark or no. She's drawing a bit from the colonial font from the original Battlestar Galactica, and it immediately sets a science fiction tone for the issue.

Blaster and Goldbug are determined to make it on their own, but fighting Decepticons is difficult if you can't find Decepticons. To that end, they track down one of the few allies they have left, G.B. Blackrock. Poor Mr. Blackrock is on a date, and tries to tell the Autobots to wait, though Goldbug drives onto his foot (!) until Blackrock relents. His date gets annoyed and tells him to buzz off (she prefers limos to Beetles ... who'd a thunk it?), leaving him in a foul mood. The Autobots get him to fuel them up, then explain their plight. Being a straight shooter, Blackrock calls them the deserters they are, and expresses reluctance to help a guy he's never met before and an old ally who suddenly looks completely different. This prompts Blaster to, for some reason, retell the story of Scrounge. Well, the real reason is that it's thematically relevant to the story later, but right here it feels a bit awkward. Goldbug expresses disbelieve that Blaster could have left a fellow Autobot to die, which prompts Blaster to practically dare him to go back to the safety of Grimlock and the Ark. Perhaps as much to get away from two argumentative Autobots, Blackrock gives them the information they want. Oil tankers missing in the Caribbean are a bit far for two wayward Autobots, but the radio-emitting meteor may be just the thing.
There are a lot of good and bad elements in the above exchange. Goldbug's high-handed treatment of Blackrock seems deplorable, but it also highlights how desperate the two Autobots are on their own. Low on fuel, low on intelligence (the military kind), low on allies ... it's no wonder they aren't keen to wait for Blackrock to finish his date. While bringing up Scrounge is awkward, the argument that follows highlight the tension the two of them must surely be feeling. And Blackrock's casual mention of missing oil tankers in the Caribbean highlight the success of Shockwave's leadership and the failure of Grimlock's. Shockwave's more subtle missions are meeting with success, especially in the face of Grimlock's disinterest in human affairs.

Hours later, the scientists have called in the national guard. One young researcher, Charlie Fong, thinks that despite the risks of robots, the knowledge of what's in that crater is worth pursuing. Sensing a kindred spirit, Goldbug and Blaster call him over and convince him to help them. The three of them bluff their way past a national guardsman (Charlie did most of the bluffing, with the other two in alt modes) and make their way down. As they arrive, we see a lone nut transform into a tiny robot, who starts to make his way towards the two robots. Before the Scraplet can infect Goldbug, though, the two Autobots are engaging in a pitched battle with the Decepticon Triple Changers. Blaster trots out his trusty (say it with me) electro-scrambler gun, keeping them off balance.

Blaster's battle with the Triple Changers seems to be at a stand-still. In their weakened state, he's a fair match for the three of them. At least, until he himself gets infected. He's still ready to fight on to victory with Goldbug's help, but Charlie convinces him of the futility of that after overhearing that there is a legend of a cure for Scraplets. After all, with a cure, Blaster is doomed whether he wins of not. Reluctantly, Goldbug agrees and drives off. Blaster, furious, accuses Goldbug of cowardice and threatens to hunt him down, even if it means going through Grimlock.

To Be Continued!
(... although, the tension might have been undercut a bit with the next time ... "Introducing the Throttlebots .. in 'The Cure!'")
What a great issue! Two Autobot deserters, questioning their decision but bravely soldiering on. It works really well. The visuals on the Scraplets are great. I love how everything in Transformers is, well, a transformer. A disease that looks like small tools, what a great idea. Bob's prose, especially in the opening and closing, is nicely melodramatic as only comics can be. Perlin's art, supported by the inking of Akin and Garvey, does an especially good job of conveying robots in various states of decay. Basically, everything comes together to make a whole bigger than the sum of its parts. I'll wager that most of you remember the twist introduced in part 2, whereas I'm guessing that most of you don't remember, say, exactly how the Mechannibals were defeated in THAT two-parter. I think that's a testimony to the strength of this stealth-classic Transformers tale.
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Fond memories of this one. My only exposure to the TF comic, versus the cartoon, prior to this had been a three-pack from the supermarket featuring Megatron working for that thug, Bumblebee and those new Autobots stopping Shockwave from converting music to energon, and one other from that point.
I'd asked my dad to bring me a Headmasters comic after seeing a commercial, but he brought this instead. It turned out to be a while before I ever got the HM books, but this had me hooked from then on.
--LBD "Nytetrayn"
I had that three pack! Got it at Toys R Us. I think the 3rd comic was the introduction of Robot Master. That was probably the brainchild of Peter David, back when he was in the business side of things.
BTW, he tells a great story about the genesis of G.I. Joe and the Transformers. If you're ever at a con with him, ask him to tell it.
Ah yes, you're right: it was the Robot Master.
And I'll have to do that, if the opportunity affords. Sadly, I don't get to many comic conventions; I don't suppose there's a place I can find it online, just in case?
--LBD "Nytetrayn"
Yes, fond memories of the Blaster/Goldbug stories! As far as the Mechannibals go, who are they? (kidding-but seriously, they were beyond silly!)
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