The cover is very nice. A desert island, complete with palm trees, rockets up from the earth, with a transparent dome enclosing it. It's just fired a rocket, apparently from one of the aforementioned palm trees, which has totaled Fortress Maximus. Shockwave is flying out from the island, presumably to finish the job. Fort Max get the Shaft!, it declares in a mildly bad pun. It's a nice meeting of the old and the new, with some delightfully absurd notions thrown in. The damage to Max looks devastating, and is bleeding energy into the void of space. Pure win.
The book opens on Buster Witwicky, abducted back in 37. He's passed out on a beach, perhaps just stirring to consciousness. It's a rather boring image, but Budiansky's prose salvages it a bit. "Like a solitary piece of driftwood, he lies baking in the tropical sun ... thousands of miles and days away from his home in Portland, Oregon. And Buster Witwicky's journey has only just begun." Nice foreshadowing. When something interposes itself between him and the sun, he objects for a moment ... until he realizes it's Shockwave. The Decepticon leader directed Ratbat to capture Buster, which Ratbat isn't happy with. The accountant sees the cost-benefit ratio of keeping Buster around as negative, especially after Buster starts insisting on being fed. Shockwave disagrees, though. There's an armada of human naval vessels, and Shockwave thinks that Buster will help keep them at bay. Shockwave and Ratbat bicker like an old married couple. In a way, they think too much alike. It's true that Ratbat has more fire than Shockwave, but they're both about evaluating a situation and coming up with the most rational answer. I get the sense that Shockwave doesn't much like Ratbat, but has no logical reason for those feelings and so doesn't act on them. Ratbat, meanwhile, openly challenges Shockwave's authority in ways that no other Decepticon could get away with, by virtue of their similar outlooks. When faced with an argument, Shockwave will always respond in kind.
As it turns out, Shockwave is right. I.I.I. has tracked the recent robot thefts to Shockwave's Caribbean base and is preparing an assault. Barnett and Forsythe are both here, the former carrying a briefcase full of Autobots to give tactical advice. Forsythe is willing to overlook Barnett's insubordination in light of his recent epiphany regarding the hostilities between Autobots and Decepticons. We also learn that the Predacons broke off their hunt for Barnett suddenly, presumably after Ratbat absconded with Buster. When he spies Buster on the island, Barnett halts the attack ... which seems really silly. Autobots might behave like this, but I'd think the military would be a lot more rational. We also get a clumsy error about how many Throttlebots there were ... Barnett and Forsythe both seem to think that there were seven originally, now six given the missing Goldbug.

With the location of the Decepticon base now in hand, the Autobots prepare to launch an assault. Kup isn't too happy about Spike's leadership; he thinks it's too rooted in sentiment. I'm glad that this was acknowledged, though the fact that he's some unknown alien that they just met hasn't come up at all. When the Autobots are spotted by Triple-I, the humans prepare to attack the shuttle. After all, they don't have a human shield. Rollbar objects, though, much to Forsythe's chagrin. "You expect me to take orders from a *@#!! TOY?!" he ejaculates, to the apparent amusement of Barnett. By the way, this is the last time we'd see either character. Forsythe isn't much of a loss, but Barnett was one of the more interesting supporting characters that Transformers had to offer, so it's sad to see him go with so little fanfare.

As the Targetmasters sulk in defeat, Cerebros combines with Fortress Maximus and flies up to the rocket, grabbing onto it even as it begins to climb out of the Earth's atmosphere. The Targetmasters think that he must be crazy, validating Kup's prediction about sentiment, but Kup himself is impressed by the sheer guts such a move must take. Shockwave is pleased that all systems are operating nominally, but is puzzled by their lower-than-expected velocity. Ratbat prompts the 'monocular moron' to look out the window. Shockwave is baffled that anyone would even attempt such an illogical rescue, but impales Max on a rocket anyway. It's a lovely image, but essentially the same as from the cover, so I won't repeat it here.

This is another strong tale. Spike continues his heroes journey, learning more about himself and earning the respect of his allies along the way. It feels very much like a continuation of #38, which itself tied in very nicely with both Headmasters 1-4 and the existing Earthbased story. The fact that Grimlock and the Ark are still MIA helps cement these new Autobots as the real defenders of the Earth, in a fairly organic way.
Shockwave hasn't had much to do since taking over from Megatron, but at least we see that he hasn't wasted his time. He's managed to build a pretty impressive spacevessel with a nice disguise. The vessel is itself a Transformer, dont'cha see? It's hard to hid a spaceship, but an island is a pretty good shot at doing so. I find it an appropriately impressive legacy, very useful and just a little dull. His 'death', which won't be reversed until #65, (at least in the US ... he'd still be active in the UK pretty much continuously) seems perfectly in-character. He's hoist on his own petard, and can't even seem to fault Ratbat for not coming back for him the way the Autobots came back for Spike, Cerebros and Fortress Maximus. He skips right past denial, anger, bargaining and depression, immediately hitting acceptance. After his return, Shockwave wouldn't be quite the powerhouse he was here. He certainly was interesting and menacing under Furman's pen, but it was during Budiansky's reign that the character shined the brightest.

Next month, the question is raised, "is it really Optimus Prime, or just an incredible simulation?" Why can't it be both? In a perhaps bit of meta-commentary on the state of working on a toy book, there is a slash after that question and the phrase "Also, the Pretenders!" It's pretty clear what Bob thinks the focus of the next issue really is, and he doesn't even try to integrated the mandated new characters into said focus. The Desert Island of Space! is available for sale in IDW's Classic Transformers Volume 3.
Classics... a timeline which is a continuation of the old Marvel G1 (but not G2 ... which is a bizarre-as-hell choice...)
Obviously a lot of people agree with you. I don't know FP's thoughts behind this, but it seems to me an obvious clue is in the fact that so many "old" characters were killed off in G2 that were... at least more readily revived from the standpoint of the end of Marvel G1. Characters already known to be getting Classics toys, who therefore needed inclusion.
For example, Mirage and Ramjet
I agree with you that Busiansky's Shockwave was the best version. This Shockwave was a pure unemotional and rational character with no ego. His best moment was in #19 when he voluntarily gave Decepticon leadership to Megatron because he felt that Megatron was a better leader on that day. His acceptance of his death was in character. He would not have blamed Ratbat for not coming to rescue him because it really was not logical. That was a great death and a great Shockwave moment. It is a shame that his death was reversed.
I never cared for Furman's Shockwave. He presented Shockwave as only superficially logical that wanted the Decepticon leadership because of ego which is basically another version of Starscream.
I also missed RAAT and the human characters after this. They should have continued the stories in which RAAT tries to ally with the Autobots to hunt down Decepticons.
I like that line "monocular moron". Budiansky always writes great dialogue. His dialogue is not heavy-handed.
However, I still can't get past the fact that Autobots accepted the inexperienced Spike as leader so quickly. That was so far-fetched and pretty much ruined the issue, and last issue for me. Why did Budiansky not simply let Galen live and call it a day.
Another nice review! I pretty much agree with everything you said this time round. I also feel that the Throttlebots should have been given more to do later-in fact they could have been advisers to RAAT or something
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