Thursday, September 26, 2024

the mercy of gods by James SA Corey


Goodness was this book grim!!

I still remember when I first read a book by James S. A. Corey - I remember sitting in a park in Brooklyn reading a copy of Leviathan Wakes I borrowed from the library. I already loved space opera and it hit me right in the right spot. I continued to enjoy the series, although I didn’t love the time jump and the final book feel flat to me. 

So I was really excited when I got an eARC of the first book of their new space opera trilogy from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review. 

This was a good, well written book. Sometimes, when two authors collaborate, it works seamlessly and one would never know it was a joint effort by two different minds - and that is how I feel about this book, and all books by James SA Corey. I enjoyed the world building, even though I find some of the set up to be a little hard to swallow. 

But this book is grim. Humanity of conquered cruelly and brutally and the main characters spend most of the book grieving and hurt and broken. The authors do a good job of depicting their mental states realistically, but that results in too-realistic depictions of trauma. Finishing this book was a slog because of that. 

I’ll still read the next one though, because I need to find out what happens next. 

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