Sunday, October 30, 2016

Transformers Scripts

So, a few years back, I was involved in a collective effort to buy and digitize Transformers scripts. We managed to get more than 30 of them, including all of Season 1 and a close-to-finalized draft of The Transformers: The Movie. They were published for all to download, using the site Megaupload. That site was later busted for piracy, so Chris McFeely and I took some steps to make sure that they remain accessible. If you're interested, they are all available for download on Google Drive:

Hope you enjoy! If you have a lead on any more Transformers scripts, drop us a line. I'd love to get all 98 episodes up for perusal.


  1. Thank you for keeping these available to everyone, Jim!

  2. Interesting how the Series Update memo notes possible origin of Cybertron as a space station. Matches that Japanese origin story that was posted at Allspark.

  3. Thank you very much for all your time and effort on making these available! It is well appreciated!

  4. "Your mother wears proton boots", brilliant

  5. Have these been taken down? It looks like the Google Drive folder is empty now.

  6. Oh nevermind, I see them!

  7. Thanks a million, Jim!
