Tuesday, October 2, 2012

The Ark Addendum - Snapdragon's Transform (jet)

Howdy, y'all!  Once again, time slips away.  I meant to get this up last week, but I remain swamped!  It's a good thing, but I hate to leave you hanging. 

This week, one of my two transformation boards for Snapdragon.  This is the jet version.  It's a pretty simple transform, which is I suppose fitting for a pretty simple toy. 

I never had Apeface as a kid, but Snapdragon was one that found its way into my big box o' toys.  I didn't care for the name, and still don't.  I suppose they wanted to emphasize the jaw, hence the 'snap', but it doesn't work for me.  Especially since most of the other names were all overtly head related: Apeface, Mindwipe, Skullcruncher, Hardhead, Brainstorm, Chromedome, Highbrow.  (Weirdwolf is the other odd man out.)  Also, his dino mode is pretty lackluster.  He makes a decent jet, at least.


  1. It's also the name of a flower.

  2. ... which is the results I usually get when looking for him on ebay...

  3. Yes, there is that meaning, of course, which is completely unimpressive and not appropriate to a Decepticon warrior.

  4. Ah yes, I wanted Snapdragon soooooo bad as a kid, but never got him until my only Botcon (2000), and...man what a letdown in dino-mode.

    Still, he deserves credit for being the first stab at a Blackbird Jet alt mode, and having a head with the most unique transformation of all the U.S. Headmaster toys. And his mauling of Daniel is one of the few genuine highlights of The Rebirth. If only Impossible toys would make a second tiny Daniel without his exo-suit, we'd all have new appreciation for that moveable jaw.

    I wonder if his name was different in Germany, since their name for the Snapdragon flower is Loewenmaul - Lionmouth; more appropriate for one of those J-exclusive extra heads. TFwiki doesn't say.
