Sunday, October 20, 2024

Tiger Chair by Max Brooks

I first remember finding out about Max Brooks when I found a copy of his Zombie Survival Guide at the Borders in Columbus Circle many years ago. I loved it and World War Z, and I also enjoyed Devolution. I was very happy to get an eARC of Tiger Chair in exchange for an honest review. 

My only complaint about this was that it was too short! This short story (or maybe a novelette?) take the form of a long letter home from a Chinese soldier in occupied Los Angeles after an invasion of the US by China. Written in Mr. Brooks’s trademark style of first person info dumping, this story was hard to put down. I’m looking forward to whatever he writes next. 

Wednesday, October 9, 2024

Buried Deep and Other Stories by Naomi Novik

I had heard the name Naomi Novik for years, and had picked up Spinning Silver and Uprooted when they were on sale on audible, but I had never read any of her books until the Scholomance trilogy was nominated for the best series Hugo. I gave it a try and immediately got sucked in and read them all in a rush one after another after another. I loved her writing style and her characterization, and I was thrilled when I got to meet her at New York Comic-Con last year and tell her how much I enjoyed the series. I also really enjoyed Uprooted and Spinning Silver, so I was delighted to get an eARC of her short story collection Buried Deep and Other Stories in exchange for an honest review. 

I usually love single author short story collections, and this was no exception! This book is a wonderful place to see the depth and breath of Ms. Novick’s talent. I especially enjoyed the story set in the Scholomance that took place after the end of the trilogy, the story about the pirates, and the stories set in her Napoleonic dragons universe - I will have to check out that series next!  This was an excellent book, well worth your time.